myDrishti Yoga

Mums & Bubs (Term 4) (3/6)
with Carolina Vega

November 9 (Thursday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
40 minutes

Pregnancy & Postnatal

Come and join us for a playful yoga class instructed by highly qualified, Kids Yoga Teacher, Childcare Educator and myDrishti Founder, Carolina Vega. Carolina has also written and Facilitates the Kids Teacher Training Course for My Health Yoga.
This class is designed to deepen your beautiful bond with baby, find some calm, rejuvenate and strengthen your self and connect with other mothers.  

What to expect?
The room will be set-up with mats in a circle and a safe play area in the center where bub can rest & play if they choose. Your baby will be involved by gentle yoga play with songs and massage; on your mat, held by you, or siting on your lap. 
For baby the postures are designed to support the digestive system, increase relaxation, assist with motor development as well as develop their beautiful connection you. These classes are designed to support you physically, mentally and emotionally. We incorporate slow, gentle and supportive poses designed for postnatal months to help you regain strength and tone in a safe and effective way. We will also develop breath awareness and relaxation techniques to assist with stress and fatigue. Our Mums & Bubs classes are baby centered - this means tending to babies needs first, feeding, changing, swaddling, cuddling. This is safe and caring space for mums to delight in their babies! Let go of any expectations and come along, open and ready to share and connect with other mums. 
The mums currently meet up for coffee afterwards at a local cafĂ©, all mums welcome to join our Mummies Tribe! Classes are held inside a clean, safe venue with heating, air conditioning and toilets and pram parking. 

FORTNIGHTLY Mondays 11am to 11:40am (40 minute class)
If you're hoping for a quiet, traditional-style yoga class with yoga music and sun salutations - this is not the one! ;) This class is lots of fun!! Mums often tell us it's the highlight of their week! It's baby focused with nursery rhymes, bells and lots of engagement for baby. 
We understand that life changes, babies are unpredictable and course bookings are hard to commit to so you can join this class casually as it suits your schedule. However bookings are essential (no drop-ins).

$80 for term enrollment
$25 casually

HOW TO BOOK A CASUAL CLASS: We are currently working through a system tech limitation with casual bookings. Please email your reservation request and we will book your little one in manually until this is resolved: [email protected]

What if my baby cries?
All okay.  Babies will cry - the class is a safe and caring space where you can tend to your babies needs without feeling flustered or concerned.

What if my baby doesn't want to join in?
Babies are unpredictable and have moods and feelings just like us! If they don't feel like participating that is also okay! They can play on your mat, on their blanket in front of you, or we offer a play space in the center of the room. Sometimes they just like to watch their mummy move :)

What do I bring?
Whatever helps you feel comfortable. We provide all the mats, pillows and props that you will need. But perhaps bring your babies floor/play blanket, their favourite toy and baby bag with the normal essentials.

Do I need yoga experience?
No previous yoga experience is required. If you have had a Caesarian delivery, you will need to wait 12 weeks and check with your doctor before commencing. The class is suitable for babies 8 weeks to newly walking.
This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: Mums & Bubs (Term 4)


Making a reservation on this page will only register you for this individual class, not the entire series of classes.

Sorry - that class has already taken place!
